Big Beach

When — June 7th, 2O22
Where — Port Angeles, WA
Mileage — 172 miles

Compliments on my motorcycle - 4

Crescent lake, Hot Springs, and Rinalto beach

On day 17 of the Double Nickel Ride I continued my visit of Olympic National Park. I packed up camp, enjoyed my new motorcycle buddy’s fancy espresso push press coffee, and was on the way. It was an even 55 degrees and sunny.

I took US 101 past the beautiful Lake Crescent and onto Sol Doc Hot Springs Resort. The lodge captures naturally geothermal heated spring water from the mountain and then pumps into pulls. I paid a small fee and changed into my bathing suit and soaked for over an hour. The water was soft with minerals and had a sulfur or eggy smell. This did not bother me - I showered on 53rd street in egg water for a number of years. I made new friends in Joann and Jim who lived in nearby Forks. I learned about the healing powers of the hot springs. Well my tennis elbow was hurting and my knees were wrecked from yesterdays hike - so what could I lose. Joann and Jim were so nice. They are in their 80’s and long retired. They gave me a lot of advice for my trip.

I then headed to Forks and La Push, Washington. My goal was to have a picnic lunch on Rialto Beach. What a beautiful beach. It was not sandy, but stoney. The waves were crashing, the wind was blowing, and the sun was warm. This must be a dangerous beach because there warnings about no beach fires, tsunamis, no swimming, and drift wood. I was worried I could picnic! I enjoyed my lunch and watching all the people. I studied the large stones or islands in the Pacific Ocean. One of them is called Little James Island!

I left the beach and returned to Port Angeles to get groceries, a good meal, and s shower. Two days camping in the mountains took there toll.


The Emerald City


Ride with me on a ferry and crest Hurricane Ridge